Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

I am profoundly sorry for neglecting my blogging duties! Between the end of school, finishing up the new diggs, and my increased love for sleep and day-dreaming, I have somehow managed not to post in almost a month! I know you were all waiting with baited breath. Well wait no more :)

In the baby department, we are pleased to announce that the boys are growing nicely, weight in at 1.3 lbs and 1.2 lbs. They are also becoming much more active. If anyone is interested in hiring a twin acrobatic group for birthday parties, anniversaries, community get-togethers or what have you, they'll be available in approximately 3.5 months! And we'll give you a good deal if you mention this blog with your order!

The first of two trees in honor of the boys was dutifully planted in South Carolina this weekend (this one was for Baby "B," and if you are sitting around bored one day, and have about 2.5 hours for an explanation of why this was Baby "B's" tree, then give Nish a call). Babaji (Rabinder) was on hand to help with the digging, watering, and mulching. And Mogi (Ann) was close by for any fetching that was requested. Lulu helped with the planting, while I was the dutiful picture taker, and assistant fetcher, and Nish stood by and did his happy dance (see pic below).

The Ground Breaking

Nish's Happy Dance

The Proud Parents
 At any rate, we had a blast visiting Nish's family in South Carolina! And yes, we did more than just plant trees... but as they say, what happens in SC, stays in SC.

Alright, it's time for me to crawl back into my nicely air-conditioned hole again.... Will someone come get me when the temperature is below 75 again?

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